Trinity is a dance performance with high levels of real time interaction and close relationship between:
dance, sound and visuals.
The interactive link is done through a videocamera installed above the stage and under infrared lighting. Besides positional tracking the project is focus in measuring movement qualities as: forces and directions, accelerations, stage position, velocity and body area.
The performance has been created and executed in live using the environment MAX/MSP/JITTER by Cycling74 and the computer vision library CV.JIT by Jean-Marc Pelletier.
The piece has been presented by first time at Festival IDN in Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona) February 2013 and has been created with support from: NU2s, El Graner and Mercat de les Flors.
Creada por la Red Suramericana de Danza en asociación con y Associação Cultural Panorama | Criada pela Red Sudamericana de Danza em parceria com e Associação Cultural Panorama.
This network is maintained and administrated by Marlon Barrios Solano as an independent art/curatorial/social innovation project.
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