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GVA Sessions 2011 Dialog: Sound and Movement July 16th - 23rd 2011
GVA Sessions is an interdisciplinary research and international exchange platform organized by the Gilles Jobin Company, geared to respond to the ever changing artistic environment of the performing arts, primarily contemporary dance, music and related creative technologies.
The GVA Sessions 2011 we will be focusing on exploring one of the longest established collaborative partnerships in the performing arts: that between choreographer and composer, choreography and music. This year, it will offer a mixed format providing a collaborative space for different types and levels of knowledge, artists research and production.
Since 2007, the GVA Sessions have led knowledge exchange gatherings inviting international creative arts practitioners to Geneva (Switzerland) with the goal to share their artistic inquiry, think and create together, in an informal collaborative yet rigorous setting.
GVA Sessions is offered to the selected participants through a grant. More infomation on the website of the Cie Gilles Jobin.
The GVA Sessions 2011 will take place in Geneva in July as an eight days seminar-workshop. It offers to the participants a hybrid collaborative format that will have two intersecting instances:
1. Perspectives and Frames International Seminar : July 16 - 17 2011
We will start a two day seminar over the weekend with an international guest group of choreographers, composers and interdisciplinary artists who will dissect and discuss with participants their recent work and practices, exploring the practical and conceptual challenges involved in the composition of choreography, music and sound.
Speakers :
Gilles Jobin (choreographer), Cristian Vogel (composer), Foofwa d'Imobilité (choreographer), Myriam Gurfink (choreographer), Cindy Van Acker (choreographer), Ariella Vidach (choreographer), Anna Huber (choreographer), Jennifer Bonn (composer), Kasper T Toeplitz (composer), Cristian Garcia, Perrine Valli (choreographer), Eric Linder (composer), Andre & Michel Decosterd (music & architecture), Adan Harper (composer, musicologist), Daniel Schorno (composer).
2. Collaborative Lab : July 18 - 23 2011
Monday begins six days of workshop at the Gilles Jobin Company studios where concepts and ideas will be explored and embodied by the GVA Sessions participants in different collaborative configurations. The first 5 days will start with a 90 minutes warm-up leaving the rest of the day for encounters, informal collaborations and self-organizing creative projects.
GVA Sessions 2011 culminates eight days of creative explorations with an informal showing session open to the public on Saturday July 23rd 2011.
Other stimulating activities have been scheduled for two evenings during the week.
GVA Sessions 2011 are oriented to:
Professional dancers, performers, choreographers, composers, musicians, researchers and interdisciplinary artists.
Application process:
Participants for the GVA Sessions 2011 will be selected via application.
GVA Sessions 11 is limited to 18 participants.
How to apply:
GVA Sessions 2011 will use the GVA Dance Training website for the application:
- Sign up to the GVA Dance Training website and fill out the profile questions (top right cornerof website).
- Include in your GVA Dance Training profile your bio, picture, meaningful projects and collaborations.
- Upload at least 5 photos and useful online references to your work.
- Send and email to gvasessions11@gillesjobin.com with a short statement of interest including previous dance and music collaborations (if any) and your reasons why would you like to attend to this event.
Deadline for applications : May 20th of 2011
Inquiries : gvasessions11@gillesjobin.com
Acceptance will be notified May 30th 2011 via email
NOTE: the selected participants must commit to attend the complete program and they would be asked for a deposit of 300 CHF to reserve the spot in the event. Deposit will be returned after completion of the sessions.
GVA Sessions 11 Production Team:
Gilles Jobin/General Direction
Marlon Barrios Solano/Project Leader/Research Associate
Cristian Vogel/Research Associate
Melanie Rouquier/Production
Danza y cultura en red | Dança e cultura em rede
Creada por la Red Suramericana de Danza en asociación con idanca.net y Associação Cultural Panorama | Criada pela Red Sudamericana de Danza em parceria com idanca.net e Associação Cultural Panorama.
This network is maintained and administrated by Marlon Barrios Solano as an independent art/curatorial/social innovation project.
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