« exercer les images » contemporary dance training program alrededor de la imagen

Application call
« exercer les images » contemporary dance training program

ex.e.r.ce 09/10 is being shaped around the theme of “the image”, which will serve as a pivot for
the entire program. The image’s role in dance is multifarious. It is a wellspring for work,
inspiration and references; it is a powerful tool for writing, memory and props.The ex.e.r.ce
09/10 program will pursue three lines of research, exploring how dance has impacted the image
and how the image has impacted dance from a historical, technical, artistic and aesthetic
viewpoint. We are curious about what might emerge from this specific image relation into the
framework of a dance training program that emphasizes research, tool-building, creating and

the ex.e.r.ce 09/10 program is being led by Mathilde Monnier, choregrapher - Isabelle Launay,
dance history doctor - Mark Tompkins, choregrapher, singer - Stéphane Bouquet, screenwriter,
poet - Loïc Touzé, choregrapher .

applicants futur dance artists and other people wishing to work in relation with this artistic
field aged over 20.

Dance training program for students and professionals
In face of the way choreography is evolving and the ever-increasing links among artists from different countries, cultures, age groups and backgrounds, we believe it is important to widen the scope of ex.e.r.ce’s applicants in order to enable experienced professionals to join ex.e.r.ce. The courses will be organized through three 12-week seminars. It will be possible to follow either the full program for student training or an 8-week seminar (full or part) for the professional training.

application forms
www.mathildemonnier.com until 5 december 2008

Visitas: 99

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Este es un proyecto  de

Marlon Barrios Solano

Creada por la Red Suramericana de Danza en asociación con idanca.net y Associação Cultural Panorama | Criada pela Red Sudamericana de Danza em parceria com idanca.net e Associação Cultural Panorama.

This network is maintained and administrated by Marlon Barrios Solano as an independent art/curatorial/social innovation project.

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