3rd World Congress on Dance Research and 18th General Assembly of the CID

3rd World Congress on Dance Research
and 18th General Assembly of the CID
Malaga, Spain, 15-19 July 2009

You are cordially invited to attend the largest gathering of dance specialists world-wide, the best opportunity to showcase one's work to a wide audience of practitioners, dance teachers, choreographers, researchers, journalists, organizers and suppliers.
Over 500 conferees from 50 countries of the 5 continents are attended this year.

The 9-hours-a-day program in parallel rooms includes:
- Research reports (papers) are presented and discussed among peers
- Lectures on original subjects resulting from long experience
- Classes, where teachers give a short demonstration of their method
- Performances by dance companies, duos or solos
- Video projections presenting choreographies or full performances
- Exhibitions and sale of books, records, pictures, costumes, accessories etc.
- Evenings where members can discuss in a relaxed setting or dance to local music.
- Visits to places of special interest, such as dance schools, museums, sites etc.

All forms of dance are represented. Strictly non-profit.
Not to be confused with festivals, workshops, competitions, forums or open conferences.

The congress is organized by the Delegation of Spain and the Malaga Section of CID, in collaboration with the International Dance Council CID. Venue is the Gran Teatro Cervantes in the city center.

Intended primarily for professionals, it is a trade fair and a participatory event, facilitating contacts with colleagues and informal discussions.

Submitting a presentation (research report, lecture-demonstration, class, performance, exhibition, projection) is optional. For each presentation a text must be sent before 30 May 2009.
Absentee presenters can register also; their presentations will be included in the program and in the proceedings. The proceedings DVD circulates worldwide in many thousands of copies; it is sent free of charge upon registration, together with other gifts.

To apply for a visa to consulates and/or financial assistance, registered participants receive an official certificate. Please make arrangements as early as possible.

Congress website:

Visitas: 115

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Este es un proyecto  de

Marlon Barrios Solano

Creada por la Red Suramericana de Danza en asociación con idanca.net y Associação Cultural Panorama | Criada pela Red Sudamericana de Danza em parceria com idanca.net e Associação Cultural Panorama.

This network is maintained and administrated by Marlon Barrios Solano as an independent art/curatorial/social innovation project.

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