Tática Ocupacional: Meu Corpo, Minha Terra.

Apropriação território corporal.
O corpo ocupa a terra, se coloca entre os grãos, pernas e braços submersos em consistência telúrica. A ambiência composta entre a pele e a terra reinventa o corpo telúrico, agencia a tática habitacional. Cruzam-se as territorialidades corporais e habitacionais. Afinal, quanto custa a terra? E quanto custa o corpo? Deflagram-se as territorialidades corpóreas habitacionais e questiona-se o sistema mercantil da terra e do corpo.

A ação durou 7 horas: cavar 4 buracos, enterrar, pesar, cercar


The body occupies the land, stands between the grains, arms and legs submerged in earthy consistency. The ambience made between the skin and the earth telluric reinvents the body. They cross the territoritalities body and housing. After all, how much land? How much is the body? Deflagrated the territoritalities housing assets and question if the mercantile system of earth and body.

I dug four holes in the ground to bury their four limbs, legs and arms. Weighed taken to dig the earth and changed the symbolic weight of the earth by the weight of the leg and arm, acquired the land symbolically and surrounded each area occupied by the body. The performance lasted about seven hours.

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Este es un proyecto  de

Marlon Barrios Solano

Creada por la Red Suramericana de Danza en asociación con idanca.net y Associação Cultural Panorama | Criada pela Red Sudamericana de Danza em parceria com idanca.net e Associação Cultural Panorama.

This network is maintained and administrated by Marlon Barrios Solano as an independent art/curatorial/social innovation project.

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