Todos los vídeos etiquetados | Todos os Vídeos Marcados interview (movimiento | movimento) - movimiento | movimento 2024-06-02T14:37:02Z Convertation on FRAGMENTATION,2013-01-21:2358986:Video:274542 2013-01-21T14:52:24.217Z ALEJANDRA CERIANI <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" /><br /> </a><br />On Monday January 14, 2013, Suzon Fuks, James Cunningham and Alberto Vazquez, Alejandra Ceriani visited (Arg BsAs.). Exchanged ideas, artistic forms of audio... <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" /><br /> </a><br />On Monday January 14, 2013, Suzon Fuks, James Cunningham and Alberto Vazquez, Alejandra Ceriani visited (Arg BsAs.). Exchanged ideas, artistic forms of audio... MOV_S Madrid 10: Interview with Pere Faura,2010-06-21:2358986:Video:104895 2010-06-21T06:07:44.458Z Marlon Barrios Solano <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" height="180" src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br><a href=""></a><br></br> Interview with performance artist Pere Faura. who presented Coser y Cantar en el MOV_S Madrid 10.<br></br> <br></br> <a href=""></a><br></br> <br></br> Bio: Born in Barcelona in 1980, he studied music in the music school Diaula and in the… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" /><br /> </a><br /><a href=""></a><br /> Interview with performance artist Pere Faura. who presented Coser y Cantar en el MOV_S Madrid 10.<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> Bio: Born in Barcelona in 1980, he studied music in the music school Diaula and in the Conservatory of Barcelona for more than 10 years, focused on flute and singing.<br /> <br /> He studied 2 years as a Theatre Maker in the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona, combining it with ballet and contemporary dance training in Area, espai de dansa i creació.<br /> <br /> He studied one year of Media and Communication in Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and he took the one year Master Study in Culture of Peace and Conflict Resolution in that same university.<br /> <br /> In 2002 he moved to Amsterdam to study choreography at the School for New Dance Development, where he graduated in 2006.<br /> <br /> In 2009 he started the Amsterdam Master of Choreography at the Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK).<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> - AS A DANCER, he has been involved in several projects with choreographers like Jerôme Bel ("The Show Must Go On"), Ivana Muller ("While We Were Holding It Together") Carolien Hermans ("Do you want to dance with me?", "The sceptic", "Body In Bits And Pieces") or Kyrstine Andersen ("WEGO"). In 2006, he was selected to participate in the DanceWeb European Scholarship Program for Contemporary Dance within the Impulstanz Festival in Vienna.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> - AS A CHOREOGRAPHER, he started presenting his own work "Panoramas, video and dance" (2004), "I belong to your image, sequence of panoramas" (2005) and "solo" (2005), mainly focused on the relationship between dance and video, in different theaters and festivals in Holland and in Spain. His graduation piece "This is a picture of a person I don't know" (2006) won the ITS Festival Choreography Award and was selected for the Dansclick Holland Tour, and it has been presented in many different international venues all over Europe.<br /> <br /> In 2007 he became resident choreographer at the Frascati Theater in Amsterdam, where he created the short movie "Watching you" and the solo "Discopolis", which he developed further in Barcelona under the final title "Striptease programat", presented inside the program "Viatges a la felicitat" at the National Theater of Catalunya. At the end of that year he started working on his third solo "Striptease", commissioned by the ITS Festival as part of the Choreography Award 2007.<br /> <br /> In 2008 he premiered "Striptease" in Something Raw Festival, and presented it in many other international venues trough out the year. During the summer, Kalamata Dance Festival in Greece commissioned him a version for three women of "Striptease", which was called "StripteaSeS". In December he premieres in Amsterdam his first group piece for 5 women called "Do you have a cigarette? and other ways of approaching", a coproduction between Frascati Theater (Amsterdam), La Caldera (Barcelona), Operaestate Festival (Bassano del Grappa) and Springdance Festival (Utrecht), which was premiered in Frascati WG in December 2008.<br /> <br /> In 2009 he created the short movie "miratge cromàtic", produced by Nu2's (Barcelona) and he started the process of "Coser y cantar", a research on singing and dancing, developed within the project "Pasantías" by Malqueridas (Barcelona), and which will be later premiered in Springdance Festival in Utrecht.<br /> In July, the association Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (NL) gave him the Charlotte Köhler award, as recognition to his carrier as a young choreographer.<br /> <br /> Interviews are produces by Marlon Barrios Solano Entrevista con Rocio Rivera Marchevsky,2009-12-11:2358986:Video:74368 2009-12-11T13:01:56.197Z Marlon Barrios Solano <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" /><br /> </a><br />Short interview of Rocio Rivera Marchevsky, choreographer and codirector of the festival Danzalborde in Valparaiso (Chile) by Mélanie Rouquier <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" /><br /> </a><br />Short interview of Rocio Rivera Marchevsky, choreographer and codirector of the festival Danzalborde in Valparaiso (Chile) by Mélanie Rouquier Across Bodies and Systems: Interview with Susan Kozel,2009-08-21:2358986:Video:49470 2009-08-21T17:03:35.581Z Marlon Barrios Solano <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" height="135" src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br><a href=""></a> Interview with dance/media artist, philosopher and author Susan Kozel during a visit to NYC. She talked about her phenomenological approach to research and projects intersecting embodied explorations of movement and technological systems. She also talks about her book CLOSER: performance, technologies,… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" /><br /> </a><br /><a href=""></a> Interview with dance/media artist, philosopher and author Susan Kozel during a visit to NYC. She talked about her phenomenological approach to research and projects intersecting embodied explorations of movement and technological systems. She also talks about her book CLOSER: performance, technologies, philosophy.<br /> BIO:<br /> Susan Kozel works across dance and philosophy in the context of digital technologies. Working in England, Europe, Scandinavia, and Canada, she collaborates with digital artists, software engineers, architects, and composers to create performances and installations. She is the director of Mesh Performance Practices <a href=""></a> and is Principal Researcher with the SMARTlab Digital Media Institute at the University of East London (UK).<br /> <br /> She has a PhD in Continental philosophy specializing in Merleau-Pontys phenomenological writing and is the author of Closer: performance, technologies, philosophy (2007) published by The MIT Press. Current projects include Intuition in Creative Processes with the University of Art and Design in Helsinki (for which she is a Senior Researcher); the Designing Difference initiative which applies methodologies from performance and philosophy to the design of expressive mobile platforms for bodies of mixed abilities, and The hidden redness of eggs (working title) a collaborative site specific performance for the Ukrainian Institute in New York. This is the third in a series of performances exploring Technologies of Inner Spaces (previous performances in this series include immanence 2005 and other stories 2007) She is working on a new book called Social Choreographies: Corporeal Narratives with Mobile Media. Susan Kozel's page in <a href=""></a> Interview with La Ribot: On Llamame Mariachi, Geneva, Switzerland,2009-08-16:2358986:Video:48802 2009-08-16T05:21:58.694Z Marlon Barrios Solano <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" height="180" src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br><a href=""></a><br></br> Interview with La Ribot, influential dance/visual artist from Spain and based in Geneva, Switzerland,<br></br> She introduced us to her creative process for her last production "Llamame Mariachi" and talks about her particular approach to video, performance and composition.<br></br> Information about la Ribot… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Versión reducida | Versão reduzida" /><br /> </a><br /><a href=""></a><br /> Interview with La Ribot, influential dance/visual artist from Spain and based in Geneva, Switzerland,<br /> She introduced us to her creative process for her last production "Llamame Mariachi" and talks about her particular approach to video, performance and composition.<br /> Information about la Ribot from Tate Modern<br /> <a href=""></a>...<br /> Produced by marlon barrios solano<br /> <br /> <br /> *